Cultural development agreement

A cultural development officer in Percé.

The cultural development agent is a cultural professional who works to structure the cultural development of the territory in which he works. He is an agent of change in the community: his intervention takes place in the field, in a spirit of consultation with municipal authorities, cultural stakeholders and citizens.

Since 1999, the City of Percé has employed a cultural development agent. The cultural agent incites, participates, supports and / or initiates large-scale local and regional events, with a cultural or cultural tourism content, such as:

  • Culture Days;
  • Quebec National Day;
  • The Circuit of artists and artisans and local products;
  • The four (4) libraries of Grand Percé;
  • The Arts at school;
  • The International Meetings of Photography in Gaspésie;
  • Le Chafaud Museum;
  • Various conferences and workshops accessible to the entire population in all seasons.

The cultural agent is also an administrator and / or member of the following organizations:

  • Council of Culture of Gaspésie;
  • Percé Heritage Foundation;
  • Member of the Cultural Committee of the Rocher-Percé MRC;
  • Member of the Famille-MADA committee.

Percé’s history is closely linked to artistic expression in all its forms and its unique natural environment is a muse, both for its residents and for traveling creators.

For information: Mr. Gregory Molnar : Telephone: 418 782-2933 ext: 9-2004