The municipal team
The employees of the City of Percé give themselves the mandate to offer quality services that meet the needs and expectations of citizens. Their objectives are to preserve a quality living environment, while offering services that meet the expectations of citizens in a sound management approach.
They act according to rules of conduct and comply with the code of ethics and professional conduct for employees of the City of Percé.
Michel L. Fréchette
Telephone: 581-353-2005
Telephone: 581 353-2024
The General Directorate of the City of Percé is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and coordinating all municipal services. It administers the affairs of the City in accordance with the plans and policies approved by the City Council. It is also a dynamic link between the municipal council, the administrative services and the whole community. The budget, the capital program and the draft regulations are its responsibility.
The mission it pursues is to offer the citizens of the community the most acceptable quality service.
The registry division provides the secretariat of the municipal council and sees to the preparation of the agendas and notices of convening of the ordinary and special meetings of the municipal council, attends the assemblies of the council, writes the minutes of the said assemblies and follows up. decisions of the board. The Registry Service is also responsible for municipal archives and documentation management. In addition, this service sees to the application of the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information and its conservation (archiving). The holding of elections, referendums and other citizen consultations fall under this division.
The mission of the Legal Department is to see to the drafting of various municipal by-laws, public notices, agreements or contracts, in addition to ensuring compliance with the procedures for adopting by-laws.
Caroline Dégarie
Telephone: 581-353-2007
Mélanie Loubert
Telephone: 581-353-2002
Josée Méthot
Telephone: 581-353-2006
Kelly Fournier
Telephone: 418 782-2933 ext. 9-2001
The mission of the Administration and Finance Department is to manage the financial activities of the City of Percé while respecting the orientations of the municipal council in a context of fairness and transparency, in accordance with the laws and regulations. .
In addition to providing technical support to the municipal council and general management in financial matters, the members of the finance division team also provide financial information to the various municipal services for the realization of their respective projects. The most important specific activities of this service are:
Preparation of the annual budget and financial statements;
-Budgetary control and royalty mechanisms;
-Permanent financing of borrowing by-laws and control of municipal debt;
-Issuance and collection of property and real estate transfer taxes;
-Billing and collection of other revenues (leases, rentals and other user fees);
-Payment to suppliers.
Vacant position
Telephone: 581-353-2008
Telephone: 581-353-2009
Planning and land use planning
The Town Planning and Planning Department controls and plans the development and planning of its territory. He sees to the issuance of building permits and authorization certificates so that the various interventions made on the territory are carried out in accordance with the regulations in force and in a harmonious manner with the entire territory. Consequently, the service also carries out the necessary inspections resulting from the application of the various town planning regulations.
Territory control
Authorize or refuse all construction or development actions, with regard to the regulations in force and inspect the territory to ensure compliance with said urban planning regulations.
Jason Quirion
Telephone: 581-353-2013
Michel Langlois
Telephone: 418 782-2933
Stéphane McInnis
Telephone: 581-353-2018
The Public Works Department ‘s mandate is to maintain the City of Percé’s infrastructure in order to ensure its sustainability. It is working on the implementation of various preventive maintenance programs in order to avoid emergency situations and maximize the services offered to citizens at the best possible cost while ensuring effective monitoring.
The Public Works Department brings together various municipal services, in particular: street and road maintenance, snow removal, the drinking water distribution system and the sewer network.
Marie Leblanc
Telephone: 581-353-2012
Christophe Le Franc
Telephone: 581-353-2004
The Tourism Department aims to enhance the territory of the City of Percé, in collaboration with local stakeholders. This service is also responsible for promoting the territory by, among other things: creating brochures, improving the visibility of the destination on the Web and participating in targeted tourism fairs. He is the gateway to our visitors, and ensures that they have a pleasant stay with us.
The cultural division is responsible for planning activities and support programs for the environment. It recommends directions and priorities for action and actively participates in the development of a clear and coherent vision of municipal cultural intervention in the areas for which it is responsible and provides community support to the citizens of the city of Percé.
The mission of the Fire Department of the City of Percé is to ensure fire safety and civil security, by protecting people and property, through its prevention, preparation, intervention and recovery activities. In order to ensure that the population is well served, the fire department of the City of Percé has three (3) fire stations on its territory, including one in Percé, Barachois and Cap d’Espoir.

City of Percé
137 route 132 West, P.O. Box 99
Percé (Québec) G0C 2L0
The General Directorate of the City of Percé is responsible for planning, organizing, directing and coordinating all municipal services. It administers the affairs of the City in accordance with the plans and policies approved by the City Council. It is also a dynamic link between the municipal council, the administrative services and the whole community. The budget, the capital program and the draft regulations are its responsibility.
The mission it pursues is to offer the citizens of the community the most acceptable quality service.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum ut nisi eget aliquam. Nam feugiat mi eros, feugiat lobortis mi consectetur id. Fusce maximus elit nec aliquet pulvinar. Ut quis enim ipsum. Nunc varius pretium vehicula. Phasellus ac lacus ultrices, volutpat tellus sed, dapibus neque. Nunc dictum ipsum in eros ullamcorper mattis. Ut commodo ipsum magna, vitae rutrum est faucibus a.
The mission of the Administration and Finance Department is to manage the financial activities of the City of Percé while respecting the orientations of the municipal council in a context of equity and transparency, and this, in accordance with the laws and regulations. regulations.
In addition to providing technical support to the municipal council and general management in financial matters, the members of the finance division team also provide financial information to the various municipal services for the realization of their respective projects. The most important specific activities of this service are:
- Preparation of the annual budget and financial statements;
- Budget control and royalty mechanisms;
- Permanent financing of loan by-laws and municipal debt control;
- The issuance and collection of property taxes and duties on real estate transfers;
- Invoicing and collection of other income (leases, rentals and other rights of use);
- Payment to suppliers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum ut nisi eget aliquam. Nam feugiat mi eros, feugiat lobortis mi consectetur id. Fusce maximus elit nec aliquet pulvinar. Ut quis enim ipsum. Nunc varius pretium vehicula. Phasellus ac lacus ultrices, volutpat tellus sed, dapibus neque. Nunc dictum ipsum in eros ullamcorper mattis. Ut commodo ipsum magna, vitae rutrum est faucibus a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum ut nisi eget aliquam. Nam feugiat mi eros, feugiat lobortis mi consectetur id. Fusce maximus elit nec aliquet pulvinar. Ut quis enim ipsum. Nunc varius pretium vehicula. Phasellus ac lacus ultrices, volutpat tellus sed, dapibus neque. Nunc dictum ipsum in eros ullamcorper mattis. Ut commodo ipsum magna, vitae rutrum est faucibus a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum ut nisi eget aliquam. Nam feugiat mi eros, feugiat lobortis mi consectetur id. Fusce maximus elit nec aliquet pulvinar. Ut quis enim ipsum. Nunc varius pretium vehicula. Phasellus ac lacus ultrices, volutpat tellus sed, dapibus neque. Nunc dictum ipsum in eros ullamcorper mattis. Ut commodo ipsum magna, vitae rutrum est faucibus a.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vestibulum ut nisi eget aliquam. Nam feugiat mi eros, feugiat lobortis mi consectetur id. Fusce maximus elit nec aliquet pulvinar. Ut quis enim ipsum. Nunc varius pretium vehicula. Phasellus ac lacus ultrices, volutpat tellus sed, dapibus neque. Nunc dictum ipsum in eros ullamcorper mattis. Ut commodo ipsum magna, vitae rutrum est faucibus a.

City of Percé
137 route 132 West, P.O. Box 99
Percé (Québec) G0C 2L0

City of Percé
137 route 132 West, P.O. Box 99
Percé (Québec) G0C 2L0