Request for a permit and certificate outside the Percé heritage site (SPP)
The main categories of work requiring a municipal permit
Necessary during a construction, installation, relocation or modification of a sign, as well as for electronic displays, banners, banners, pennants or balloons. The request must contain:
- a scale plan showing the location of the sign on the land or building;
- sketches, plans, elevations, sections, to scale;
- the dimensions and height of the sign.
A project of excavation of more than 15 cubic meters of soil, felling of trees within an urbanization perimeter as identified in the urban plan, felling of trees for a project tourist accommodation subject to the SPAIP, clearing or backfilling of more than 15 cubic meters of soil, an off-street parking area with more than three spaces, a loading and unloading and installation area an antenna, a commercial or industrial type waste container or used for multi-family or community buildings, or a heating or air conditioning device outside a building is prohibited without obtaining ‘a certificate of authorization. The request must contain:
- the plans and documents required to ensure a good understanding of the project.
The request must contain:
- a location plan showing the distance of the structure from the wastewater treatment systems;
- permit numbers (RBQ) of the firm that will carry out the work;
- pumping capacity sought.
Necessary during a project to change the use of a building or the addition of a complementary use. The request must contain:
- the address of the building concerned and the precise identification of its current and proposed use;
- in the case of an additional use, the area occupied by this use must be provided at the time of the request.
For any construction, transformation, expansion or addition of a building. The request must contain:
- plans, elevations, sections, sketches and specifications to scale;
- a site plan;
- the work schedule;
- estimate of the probable cost of the work.
A certificate is required for any demolition of a building or part of a building. The request must contain:
- the address where the building to be demolished is located;
- the anticipated duration of the work;
- the applicant’s commitment to remove debris and level the ground within 30 days of the end of the demolition work.
For the relocation of any building whose width exceeds 4 meters. The request must contain:
- the address where the construction to be moved is located;
- the route that the construction must take within the limits of the municipality from its place of departure to its place of destination;
- the applicant’s commitment to restore the land to a good state of cleanliness within 30 days of the relocation of the construction, if the construction to be moved is located within the limits of the municipality.
A permit is required during the construction of an isolated residence, the carrying out of work having the effect of adding one or more bedrooms or any modification of existing installations. The request must contain:
- the name and address of the person concerned;
- the cadastral designation of the lot on which the project will be carried out;
- the number of bedrooms in the isolated dwelling or the total daily flow of another building;
- a characterization study of the site and the natural terrain carried out by a person who is a member of a competent professional order;
- a location plan to scale.
Any cadastral operation is prohibited without first obtaining a subdivision permit. The request must contain, among other things:
- the names, first names and address of the professional who prepared the plan;
- date, north and scale;
- the current cadastre identified in accordance with the provisions of the laws which govern it;
- existing or required easements;
- the layout and right-of-way of existing or planned streets, and their connection to existing or planned streets outside the project, if applicable;
- the alignment and right-of-way of existing railway lines and existing or proposed railway ties, if applicable;
- the dimensions and area of each lot planned in accordance with the provisions of the laws which govern it.
In the case of land benefiting from acquired rights, the request must be accompanied by a copy of the notarial deed describing the tenets and outcomes of the land covered by the subdivision project.
A certificate is necessary for any renovation or repair project of a construction, except for painting or normal regular maintenance of a construction, provided that the work does not have the effect of modifying the property assessment. of the latter nor to modify its external appearance. The request must contain:
- the address of the building concerned
- identification of the works and planned structures.
The request must contain:
- the precise identification of the proposed use, including the proposed works;
- the date and expected duration of the intended use;
- the written acceptance of the owner if he is not the applicant;
- the applicant’s written commitment to put the land back in a good state of cleanliness within 5 days of the end of the event.
Information to come.
Note that work carried out on a property located inside the Percé heritage site must also obtain an authorization from the Ministry of Culture and Communications (MCC).

How do I get a permit or certificate?
Tel: 418-782-2933 ext 9-2009
You can complete your permit or certificate application form in person with the building inspector, or fill it out online, print it and sign it, and then send it to the building inspector by email .
To speed up the processing of your file, make sure you have on hand:
- the coordinates of the building
- a brief description of the work (e.g. dimensions of an extension, choice of materials, demolition to plan, planned location, etc.)
- photos of the property and its surroundings where the work is planned.
These documents can be sent by email in advance to speed up the processing of your file. Note that if your file requires it, the building inspector could request additional documents to ensure the project’s compliance: architectural plans, certificate of location, site plan, professional expertise, etc.
The Service ensures that the request complies with municipal regulations. Depending on the size of the project, this step may take some time. Make sure to submit a complete file to speed up the processing of it. Do not hesitate to ask for the assistance of the home inspector to help you in your preparation. If your project is a new construction, note that the procedure is somewhat different and consult the section dedicated to the Site Planning and Architectural Integration (PIIA).
Note that fees are required for the issuance of the municipal permit. Consult the price list.